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The Independent Observer > OS > Kitwe Council warns bar and night club owners not to violate Laws

Kitwe Council warns bar and night club owners not to violate Laws

Kitwe City Council has warned bar and night club owners from violating the Liquor Licensing Act during the festive season.

Kitwe City Council public Health Director Rodney Banda says bar and night club owners must adhere to public health guidelines which prohibit the sale and consumption of alcohol to underage patrons.

“Bar and night club owners must follow the law of not allowing the sell of alcohol to children below the age of 18 years because it is against the law. Underage alcohol consumption has deteriorating health implications on children and the local authority will not hasitate to penalise or close bars or night clubs that will perpetuate such illicit behavior,” said Mr Banda.

Mr Banda said patrols are being conducted within Kitwe district and will be intensified during the festive season in order to monitor the levels of compliance and any bar or night club found wanting shall face the law.

He said penalties will be slapped on noncompliant bars or night clubs in line with the set up measures.

Mr Banda has since urged the members of the general public to support the local authority by reporting all bar and night club owners and patrons flouting the law.

He said underage beer drinking is a source of problems such as road traffic accidents during the festive season.

“The drunkardness of minors during festive season should not be entertained in the district. I would like to urge the public to take part in fighting this problem,” he said.

The local authority has the mandate to ensure that it safeguards the lives of the people by making sure that everyone adheres to the basic guidelines with regard to fostering social-economic development.