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The Independent Observer > Politics > Arrest PF thugs buying voters’ cards-Elisha Matambo

Arrest PF thugs buying voters’ cards-Elisha Matambo

UPND Copperbelt Chairperson Elisha Matambo says the arresting of a PF woman who was found with 87 voters cards on her, in Kabushi Constituency on the Copperbelt, by the Zambia Police is proof that the PF has resorted to desperate methods to stay in power.

Mr Matambo said act is also evidence that PF knows that they don’t have people’s support to win the 2021 elections.

He said the method of defranchising Zambians by taking away their tools to vote is what the PF has been using to win by-elections and now they have taken it on a national scale.

“We are appealing to Zambians to reject the K1, 500 they are being offered in exchange for the NRC and voters cards because other than being a crime, it is false relief to alleviate the poverty and suffering PF has subjected them to, since they came to power. Citizens must not look at money, let them look at the bigger picture of liberating this country from corruption, thuggery, stealing and violence the PF has brought.

“They must not sell their birthright for 30 pieces of silver and sacrifice their children and future generations to perpetual poverty and slavery. We therefore wish to commend the Zambia Police for arresting the criminal and urge them not to succumb to PF political pressure to release her or sweep the case under the carpet. In this regard we call upon all stakeholders including the church, civil society and ordinary citizens to take keen interest in this particular case, because it is a pointer to a bigger scheme of PF’s evil intentions to rig elections and set this country into flames,” he said.

He urged ordinary members of the public on the Copperbelt to apprehend and effect a citizen’s arrest on any PF thug buying NRCs and voters cards.

Mr Matambo said UPND on the Copperbelt will carry out an audit of all its party officials to ascertain whether they still have theirs voters cards and if found wanting, he shall not hesitate to institute disciplinary action against them.