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The Independent Observer > News > Zed Tamanga says SMES have less know how of investment

Zed Tamanga says SMES have less know how of investment

Zed Tamanga Chief Executive Officer Gilbert Mwamba says small business owners fail to sustain their businesses due to lack of investment knowledge.

Zed Tamanga is the platform that aims at promoting young entrepreneurs by means of connecting them to already established businesses and providing investment training workshops in order to help and mentor with entrepreneurship knowledge.

Mr Mwamba said that small business owners need to invest in business knowledge for their businesses to thrive and reach maximum potential.

He said entrepreneurship is a source to financial freedom because you are able to manage and control your own resources.

Mr Mwamba said the idea behind Zed Tamanga is to help the youths not to rely only on formal employment but also to be innovative and exposed to the business world.

“We create a network of already well established entities with vest business experience with young entrepreneurs, to groom and mentor them in growing their businesses. Currently we are working on collaborations with other key stakeholders with similar objectives to see how we’d work with them,” he said.

Mr Mwamba is the District Chairperson for the Council of NGOs and at the same time Vice Chairperson for the District Youth Development Coordinating Committee also runs a registered business consultancy firm in Chililabombwe.

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