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The Independent Observer > News > Allowing indebted pupils write exams, is a plus

Allowing indebted pupils write exams, is a plus

Dear Editor,

I write to commend government through the Ministry of General Education for directing that no pupil writing examinations should be disqualified from writing on the account of them owing the school.

This is indeed the Christmas bonanza that government has given to its citizen, especially that we have been hit hard economically to the extent of limping financially.

The pronouncement and warming to all schools by the Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba to adhere to this directive could not have come at a better time than now and I hope the ministry through DEBS offices dotted throughout the country will make sure that it is actualized and not just a mere statement for the camera.

We are privy as a nation that so many pronouncements from the ministry before fell on deaf ears and took time to be adhered.

My appeal is however to the same ministry to also engage private school administration boards to make sure pupils in these schools are also given the opportunity to write their exams without any disturbances even if they have not paid their fees in full.

This if achieved will surely enhance literacy growth in our Country.

This olive branch directive should however not be taken for granted by parents and guardians but as a bonus of paying period, which should be done by or on the day of collecting results so that the schools are not at a loss because these monies help them for administrative purposes.

Wisdom Muyunda



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