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The Independent Observer > Headlines > ConCourt orders ex-ministers to pay back for over staying

ConCourt orders ex-ministers to pay back for over staying

Sixty-three former ministers have been ordered to pay back to the Government, more than Four million Kwacha for the period May to July 2016 in which they overstayed in office and obtained salaries and allowances after the dissolution of Parliament.

The order has been issued by the Constitutional Court.

Constitutional Court Registrar of Dorcas Malama has delivered the ruling on behalf of Constitutional Court Judges.

In the ruling, the former ministers have been given a 30-day ultimatum to repay the money they accrued during the period under review.

The ruling comes on the backdrop of the case which commenced after the 2016 general election.

The litigants in the matter were the Law Association of Zambia -LAZ- and United Party for National Development -UPND- Secretary General Stephen Katuka.

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