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The Independent Observer > News > Go into the coming general election with your eyes wide open

Go into the coming general election with your eyes wide open

Dear Editor,

I write to urge all political players wanting to be elected leaders in 2021 to go into the general election with their eyes wide open so that they know why they are going into these elections.

Leadership is not about remuneration but about service to the people on what they were not privy to before your leadership.

It is however laughable that most politicians start accusing their predecessors for their failures, meaning they go into elections blindly without solutions to the current challenges electorates go through for them to change leadership.

Zambians on the other hand are a big disappointment because they have been bought into believing that the predecessor should be held accountable, and not the incumbent.

Then why did they vy to be elected?

It is therefore my responsibility to caution those vying for political office to stop this nonsense of crying over their predecessors for their own failures and just do the right thing to alleviate the living standards of their electorates.

You knew the shortcomings of your predecessor and that is why you challenged to be elected.

Why you go into political battle field is to do things better from the previous leadership to better, and not to worsen the situation and start pointing fingers at people.

Let us Zambians change our mindset and not dance to such cry babies who have no solutions but align ourselves with those who will strive to find solutions to our challenges, not answers to why they have failed to fulfill their promises.

Wisdom Muyunda


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