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The Independent Observer > Business > Dam at Kafue Gorge Lower filled

Dam at Kafue Gorge Lower filled

By Staff Writer
Zesco Spokesperson Henry Kapata says the process of the filling up of the dam at Kafue Gorge Lower has been completed.

Mr Kapata said the dam is being observed for structural integrity and reliability.

“Meaning that, after the dam filling, the next stage is to gradually and steadily fill up the tunnel that leads to the gates of the turbines. After which the first of the five gates will be opened to allow for the “firing” up of the first generator unit at the end of November to beginning of December, 2020.

“The second generator unit will be “fired up” at the end of December to beginning of January 2021. Currently, there are works to open up the section that channels water back to the river.  These works are expected to be completed this week,” he said.

The Kafue Gorge Lower is a 750Mega Watts Power station that is expected to help in defeating the 810MW power deficit Zambia is facing.

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