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NAREP donates desks to community schools

The National Restoration Party has donated Desks and other assorted food items to Lusaka’s Misisi Compound Community Schools.

Handing over the donation of 40 desks to two community schools, NAREP President Stephen Nyirenda said his party felt obligated to assist the schools with school desks and other materials after a visit during the 56th independence week.

“What we found is insulting to the pupils and our teachers who brace themselves through hardships that are man made. We have pupils sitting on the hard cold floor for hours end just to get educated. Classrooms are a sorry site, Sanitation is almost none existent,” he said.

Mr Nyirenda also donated mealie meal and other foodstuffs to community schools operating in a church building and a bar.

“Am appalled by what we have seen. We have children learning from a bar 56years after independence. What is it that these MPs and  Councillors do to ease the suffering of our volunteer teachers in these community schools? What solutions do they have for the pupils whose cry is education and it is their right? Zambians, let’s be serious. Without Education, we are doomed,” He said.

Mr Nyirenda has also commended the teachers and church bodies that volunteer and brace themselves to see to it that children in their respective communities get educated.

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