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The Independent Observer > News > Expedite disposing off KCM litigation case-MUZ

Expedite disposing off KCM litigation case-MUZ

The judiciary has been challenged to quickly dispose off the court case concerning the liquidation of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM).

Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MIZ) President Joseph Chewe said anxiety among employees is growing as they want to know the future of KCM.

“Our Judiciary has let us down on this issue of KCM and we want to call upon the Chief Justice madam Ireen Mambilima that this issue requires urgent attention by the judiciary,” Mr Chewe told journalists in Kitwe.

“Let the case be given priority so that it is dealt with. We can’t allow the investor Vedanta to sit on jobs while hidding in the name of justice,”he said.

Indian investor Vedanta has challenged Government’s decision to liquidate KCM/MUZ.

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