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The Independent Observer > News > RDA head to Peatauke to asses Mvuvye brige

RDA head to Peatauke to asses Mvuvye brige

The Road Development Agency (RDA) says it has dispatched a team of Engineers from the Bridge Unit at Head office in Lusaka to Petauke to jointly conduct a comprehensive technical assessment on the Mvuvye Timber Bridge with Engineers from the Eastern region.

RDA Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs Masuzyo Ndhlovu said a team has been tasked to come up with an immediate temporary intervention that would facilitate the flow of traffic even during the rainy season.

Mr Ndhlovu said the Agency intends to upgrade the Bridge structure at Mvuvye Bridge, and it will soon embark on preliminary design reviews and procurement processes.

He said the Bridge is located in an economic area which is approximately 20Kms South of Petauke in Chieftainess Mwanjabantu and Chief Mumbi’s Chiefdom.

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