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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Zambia’s biggest asset is its people-Envoy

Zambia’s biggest asset is its people-Envoy

By Staff Writer
Her Majesty’s representative the Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps who is also former British High Commissioner to Zambia Alistair Harrison CMG, CVO says the peacefulness and friendliness of Zambians has made it easy for foreigners to explore the country’s tourism potential.

And Zambia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Lieutenant General Paul Mihova has urged British businessmen and women to invest in Zambia’s booming agriculture, mining, tourism, renewable energy and infrastructure sectors of the economy.

The Marshal said this during a virtual event held to celebrate Zambia’s 56th Independence anniversary under the theme, “One Land One Nation, Building Our Future Proud and Free” and organized by the UK Zambian Diaspora in partnership with the Zambia High Commission.

“Celebrating this Independence with you makes me think about the years I was in Zambia with fond memories. The three years my family and I spent in Zambia were the highlight of my diplomatic career because Zambia is such a beautiful country, Zambia’s biggest asset is its people, the people of Zambia are such a nice people and welcoming, so friendly, and so concerned, and are great representatives of their country. The next best thing for me is celebrating this Independence with you today,” he said.

And High Commissioner Mihova said the Zambian government cherishes the cooperation and cordial relationship that exist between Zambia and the United Kingdom.

He said the United Kingdom has continued to be one of Zambia’s biggest investors in health, governance, mining, and education sectors.

The High Commissioner also said about 35,000 tourists from the United Kingdom visit Zambia each year, a move which has greatly benefited the country’s tourism sector.

He however bemoaned the negative impact COVID-19 outbreak has had in the tourism and hospitality sectors, stating that ever-since the outbreak of the coronavirus, very few tourists have been visiting Zambia.

“Recently, Honourable James Duddridge, UK Minister for Africa at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), visited Zambia during which he announced several pledges by the UK to Zambia including the provision of funding to help address the covid-19 pandemic in Zambia. Such undertakings are clear testament of the good relationship between the two countries. Let me therefore take this opportunity to thank the UK government for that gesture.

“I further wish to thank the UK Government for taking investment to Zambia and I would like to see more investments taken to Zambia, especially in the area of Agriculture, Mining, Tourism, Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Development. Zambia is endowed with a lot of natural resources with very attractive investment atmosphere.  I am therefore calling upon Zambians and any other interested people and companies to take advantage to go and invest.  Our office is open for more information on Investment opportunities,” he said.

And High Commissioner Mihova said this year’s theme is a reminder to all Zambians about the need to be patriotic as they strive to see a better Zambia which is stable and developed.

“Fellow Zambians, as we celebrate this independence anniversary, we should reflect on the patriotism and sacrifices made by the freedom fighters (our fore fathers), who fought to secure our independence from the colonial masters,” he said.

The High Commissioner said the peace, dignity, freedom, and sovereignty that Zambian people enjoy today came at a high price, adding that some freedom fighters died during the liberation struggle, while others were imprisoned, banished, and tortured.

He said Freedom Fighters were able to achieve great things because of strong virtues and values that were founded on love and respect for all people, of all races, tribes, and religions.

“It is therefore our duty to honour them by building on the foundation they set for us. I therefore urge all Zambians in the UK to be patriotic and come together to build our country, Zambia irrespective of association. It is only by working together that we can realize the development that we want for our country Zambia while observing democratic tenets. Allow me to thank our guest of honour once more for gracing this event. I also wish to thank everyone who joined this virtual event and thank the various Zambian Organizations in the UK that have worked together to organize this event,” said High Commissioner Mihova.

This is according to a statement issued by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Zambia High Commission in the United Kingdom Abigail Chaponda.

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