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14 Council workers fired

By Chinoyi Chipulu in Ndola
The Local Government Service Commission has dismissed 14 employees for various offences among them misampropriation of funds.

Other cases that have led to the dismissal of the employees include theft, dishonest conduct, gross negligence and absenteeism.

Commission Chairperson Amos Musonda said in a statement issued by Commission Secretary Lazarous Mulenda where he implored the employees to uphold discpline and remain committed to duty in order to achieve Government’s aspirations of the development agenda.

According to the statement, out of the 14 dismissed, five are from Eastern Province (Petauke and Nyimba) while other affected employees are drawn from Mansa, Kasama, Kabwe, Siavonga, Shangombo and Lusaka City Council respectively.

Meanwhile, Mr Musonda who was in Eastern Province for the Commissions Technical Support visit has urged employees not to engange in active partisan politics but focus on delivering services and ensure speedy implementation of the constituent development fund project as well prudent utilization of the 20percent capital component of the local Government equalization funds on tangible projects.

He warned that failure to comply will lead to erring officers being separated from service.

Mr Musonda said local authorities should be innovative and creative in raising local revenues to compliment the supplementary grants from Government.

He further warned principal officers and the staff to be prudent and accountable in financial management matters and ensure value for money in service provision.

Mr Musonda emphasized the need for Town Clerks and Council Secretaries to effectively engange Members of Parliament.

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