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PF cancels Ndola mobilisation rally

The Patriotic Front has cancelled its scheduled Ndola mobilisation rally that was billed for Musa Kasonka Stadium on Saturday.

PF National Mobilisation Chairman Richard Musukwa says the decision follows various concerns raised by interest groups and some stakeholders.

Mr Musukwa has since directed PF Copperbelt Mobilisation Chairman Bowman Lusambo to postpone the rally in order to give the party room to address the various issues raised.

He has apologised for the inconvenience caused but stressed that the Mobilisation rally will be held at the earliest convinient time.

Mr Musukwa explained that the Mobilisation rally will be preceded by a meeting of the Copperbelt party structures and the Mobilisation team to be convened by the PF Secretary General Davis Mwila following a recent presidential directive.

Mr Musukwa has told ZNBC News that the mobilisation team should complement the party structures to consolidate the PF political base.

And Mr MUSUKWA has directed that the rescheduled Ndola mobilisation rally will only feature Local artists to avoid the recurrence of controversy/Source ZNBC.

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