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The Independent Observer > News > ZRA seize 3360×50 bags of sugar in Chingola

ZRA seize 3360×50 bags of sugar in Chingola

Zambia Revenue Authority has seized and forted to the state 3360×50 bags of sugar worth K1.4 million.

ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda said the sugar was imported from Brazil purported to be going to Congo but unfortunate the sugar was offloaded in Chingola.

Mr Chanda said this is a pure case of fraud which involved five South African registered trucks.

He said that the time they were given the right information the trucks had already left for South Africa but ZRA will ensure that they are seize.

Mr Chanda said that since sugar is perishable item it will immediately be disposed of in the way provided by the law.

The commissioner General has warned smugglers that it will not tolerant any form of smuggling as they have invested heavily in the public education ensure.

He said anyone who shall attempt be dealt with as people must understand that smuggling is a serious offence and risk to the nation

And ZRA Commissioner Customs Service Sydney Chibbabbuka said that their intercepted trucks that were smuggling maize and mealie meal from Zambia heading to Zimbabwe and the drivers have been charged with various smuggling offences.

Mr Chibbabbuka sai ZRA will continue with it anti-smuggling operations and we will continue until we eradicate smuggling.

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