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The Independent Observer > News > Chingola daughter defiler found with case to answer

Chingola daughter defiler found with case to answer

A-45-year-old man of Chingola has been put on defense in the matter he is charged with incest.

This is in a case where Chibwe Chongo of Soweto is facing one count of incest contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence are that on date unknown but between August 1, 2019 and February 3, 2020, Chongo had canal knowledge of his 12-year old biological daughter without her consent.

Magistrate Stephen Mabona said that he has established a case on him because the prosecution had proved beyond doubts that he had canal knowledge of his own daughter on several occasions when her mother was away.

Mr Mabona said that it was not in dispute that the victim had told her elder sister that her father was sexually abusing her and when the sister told the mother she was told that no one should know it should be keep as a secret.

He also said that it was not in dispute that the father was having sex with her as when he was confronted by the sisters when the victim fled home because of the sexual assault he kept quiet.

Mr Mabona said the medical report also shows that the victim’s hymen was torned and she explained in court that her father used to have sex with her when her mother was away.

“According to the victim her father just inserted is manhood on top he never penetrated but she is a child and cannot understand what penetration is. But I will put you on your defence so that you defend yourself in this matter,” he said.

But Chongo who was being represented by Legal Aid Cousel Fedelis Mwauluka opted to remain silent.

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