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Land secured for remaining ex-miners

Government has secured farm land in Luanshya for the remaining ex-miners who were not allocated.

Disaster Management and Mitigation Unity (DMMU) National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe disclosed this when he paid a courtesy call on Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe.

Mr Kabwe also said that the ex miners will also be supported with other logistics like building material and resources to help them start up sustainable livelihoods.

He said Government has the interests of all Zambians and that it will do everything possible to help those in need.

Mr Kabwe said government has released K200,000 to help families that were affected by floods on the Copperbelt.

He  informed the Permanent Secretary that government will in the course of this month pay in full the money owed to suppliers of face masks.

Mr Kabwe said government has been paying suppliers of the masks in phases and Copperbelt is in line, further appealing to the suppliers to remain patient.

Meanwhile Mr Nundwe thanked DMMU for their continued response to the flood affected households in the Province regardless of their localities.

Mr Nundwe said Copperbelt was in the last rainy season highly affected by floods, leaving a lot of people displaced but DMMU quickly came in to provide the assistance.

And Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda said over 50 thousand people were affected by the privatization of RAMCOZ mine in Luanshya district and need humanitarian assistance.

Mr Chanda said a lot of people in Luanshya have been left vulnerable and it has been the responsibility of government to take care of them.

He said DMMU has been helpful and urged them to continue taking care of the ex miners in the District.

Mr Chanda said the local authority has secured alternative land for the affected families but will still require the services and help from DMMU to help them get back.

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