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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Bishop Mambo steps down from CiSCA

Bishop Mambo steps down from CiSCA

The Civil society for Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) says that Bishop John Mambo is not CiSCA Chairperson he stepped aside from his role few months ago.

CiSCA Vice Chairperson Judith Mulenga said the delay by CiSCA to announce this development and fill this position was as a result of the demise of Bishop Mambo’s mother, MHSRIP.

Ms Mulenga was responding to rumours that went round on social media that the CiSCA Chairperson was aligned to UPND.

She said CiSCA is and will remain non-partisan while recognizing and respecting the right of everyone to support and vote for a political party of their choice.

Ms Mulenga said the organisation will not stop anyone from associating with a political party of their choice.

She said as a matter of policy anyone who becomes overtly partisan must disassociate and Bishop Mambo did just that.

She said CiSCA is a human rights promoting movement which respects and promotes the right to freedom of association and assembly for everyone including its members.

“Since Bishop informed the movement about his stepping aside and until necessary administrative changes are made, all media statements from CiSCA were and will continue to be issued by the CiSCA Vice Chairperson. There is therefore no need for some quarters with logs in their own eyes to be excited about the social media stories linking CiSCA to partisan politics.

“As CiSCA, we will continue to advocate for people driven constitutionalism, ensuring that the supremacy of the will of the Zambian people, democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law are upheld in Zambia. This is not the first, and certainly not the last, time that our movement will make adjustments in its leadership structure. All serious entities with values and principles regularly re-align their leadership. It is only those with no regard for constitutional principles that would insist on having leaders go beyond the limits of their mandate,” she said.

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