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The Independent Observer > News > 2 Topstar employees test positive to Covid-19

2 Topstar employees test positive to Covid-19

By Staff Writer
Two employees at TopStar Communications Company Limited have tested positive to coronavirus.

Topstar Public Relations Manager Joy Chula said TopStar had recently conducted COVID 19 tests among staff on the Copperbelt and two (2) members of staff tested positive.

Ms Chula said the staff have been quarantined and are receiving medical treatment from home.

“As a further precautionary measure, Lusaka based staff were today tested and sent home as results are being awaited in the next few days. In the meantime, The National Operations Centre (NOC), Technical, IT, Call Centre and Business Halls remain open for business but will work in shifts while other members of staff will work remotely from home.

“As the function of a signal distributor is necessary and significant in the communication and media space, it is important that TopStar puts in place measures that will keep digital television broadcasting operational for the general public to receive signal and access information during the pandemic,” she said.

Ms Chula said TopStar had applied a series of protection for the well-being of all staff since the outbreak of the pandemic, including but not limited to sterilised work place, distant working space, dedicated commuter vehicles, anti-pandemic education, and face masks for everyone.

“TopStar understands that the accuracy of information weighs much in our fight against the pandemic, thus we will actively cooperate with relevant Government Departments and Agencies to deal with and control the current situation,” she said.

TopStar is the public signal distributor with a mandate to distribute content by 27 local Television stations, serving over 750,000 subscribers countrywide.

It owns over 100 channels’ content platform combining Local, African and international channels.

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