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The Independent Observer > Business > Covid-19 has negatively affected media revenue-FPI

Covid-19 has negatively affected media revenue-FPI

The Free Press Initiative (FPI) survey’s findings have indicated that the corona virus pandemic has had a negative impact on the revenue for Media houses.

FPI Zambia Founder and Coordinator Joan Chirwa said according the survey media houses have had to adjust their operations in order to counter the negative effects of the pandemic on revenue.

Ms Chirwa said that Government and private sectors support is critical to ensure survival during the pandemic as well as long-term sustainability.

She said support packages have a relatively quick impact and can in the short-term free up cash following the drop in revenue during the pandemic.

Ms Chirwa said the support should reflect the important role that the industry plays in supporting government effort through reliable information dissemination.

She said Government can also ensure the long-term survival of media houses through tax holidays, waiver of statutory obligations, and reduced duty on imported inputs.

“It is hoped that with this support, media houses can effectively deal with the challenges posed by the pandemic and at the same time be better positioned to withstand future shocks to the industry.

“The FPI is organizing further engagement and consultation with industry players to reach consensus on what will work best for the media,” she said.

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