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The Independent Observer > Op-Ed > Stop eulogising people when they are dead

Stop eulogising people when they are dead

By Wisdom Muyunda
I write to sternly talk to Zambians, especially politicians to stop the tendency of playing a ‘caring nation’ to people who otherwise could have been appreciated while alive so that they eat from their sweat.

The death of Grey Zulu the former General Secretary for UNIP and a freedom fighter has exposed our political scene.

I have followed a lot of our freedom fighters and former first cabinet ministers in the Kaunda government who need financial and material support from government because their livelihoods are in a deplorable state.

These are men and women who fought for this freedom we are enjoying but as a nation, we would rather give a lot of financial and material handouts to youths because we need political relevance than helping such needy war veterans.

My heart even bleeds more when I hear politicians start competing to give details of who such and such a deceased was and how they led their political life without giving us details of what you have done to change their situation.

Let us reflect on this and know that freedom comes at an expense and that we are liable to appreciate their contributions to our freedom while they are still alive not when they are dead. Don’t tell me you didn’t know that Grey Zulu was aged and still living for you to show concern now!

Mind you the ministers in Kaunda cabinet lived a noble life free of corruption, embezzlement, suppression, malice, lying among others, hence they are living lives like that.


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