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The Independent Observer > News > Maamba colliersies invests $7m

Maamba colliersies invests $7m

Maamba Collieries has invested seven million dollas in various mining activities.

The seven million was part of the $11 million it pledged during the Southern Province Investment exposition held in Livingstone last year.

Company General Manager David Kumar said the seven million dollars was invested in various mining activities and equipment.

He said the investment will see the Mine that also runs a Coal Power Generation Plant employ another one hundred workers to bring the total number of employees to one thousand five hundred.

Southern Province Minister Edify Hamukale who has toured the Mine said the investment in energy is security.

Meanwhile Dr Hamukale said government appreciates the investment that the Chinese are bringing into the country.

Speaking when he visited the column coal mining industries limited in Sinazeze, Dr Hamukale said the relationship between Zambia and China is getting stronger by the day.

He has however urged the coal mine to invest in new infrastructure as the current equipment is old and a risk to workers.

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