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The Independent Observer > Politics > Don’t use cash to attract votes-Rainbow Party

Don’t use cash to attract votes-Rainbow Party

Rainbow Party says Government should not use cash to attract votes from people especially the young ones.

Rainbow Party Deputy National Spokesperson Humphry Kabwe said giving out money to youths is not the solution to youth challenges.

Mr Kabwe said the party is not against President Edgar Lungu’s multi-million youth empowerment fund.

He said the youths need policies that will provide a conducive environment for them to venture into business and sustain those businesses.

He said most of the policies the PF Government have made does not support young people or locals but favor foreigners.

Mr Kabwe said past governments had given out money to youths especially political cadres but no record to show if those funds yielded fruits.

“There is need Government to create an environment where young people already in business should find it easier to expand their business or get a loan from the banks at a cheaper interest rate or get contract from either government or foreign companies without challenges. In that way we shall reduce the challenges young people are facing,” he said.

He said giving out cash will only benefit PF cadres and create an environment where young people engage into violence.

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