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The Independent Observer > OS > Leaders are not helping matters over Covid-19

Leaders are not helping matters over Covid-19

Dear Editor,

I write with disgust on how our elected leaders have become conduits to the spread of Covid-19 in our country for their political mileage.

It was very unfortunate that the opening of Chawama fly over bridge by President Lungu over the weekend has exposed our leaders for their indiscriminately enforcing Covid-19 guidelines in this nation.

That crowd that besieged the launch had breached the social distance and masking guidelines among many other guidelines, in the presence of Dr Chitalu Chilufya and his team. Why were people not arrested?

Worst still though interesting is where the architectures of the same guidelines that have seen other political players arrested were present at the same launch that turned out to be a rally.

This is the more reason why some people have been castigating and questioning government as to whether Covid-19 is really here in Zambia. These people are not saying there is no Covid-19 in the world, they understand it is there but wonder why the same health guidelines are selective here in Zambia.

It is my sincere appeal to government to help us citizens to abide by the health guidelines meted out by the Ministry of Health by being seen to lead by example not what everyone saw over the weekend. There are so many examples that show that our leaders have been careless on compliance.

And don’t tell us that people went there on their own when we have law enforcement agencies that can easily enforce the guidelines when directed. So, what went wrong?

Why should we be warned against attending weddings, kitchen parties and funerals in numbers while on the other hand go against your own guidelines? So who are these guidelines intended for?

Can we reach a consensus as a nation?

Wisdom Muyunda


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