Government has released funds to pay suppliers of washable face masks in five provinces.
Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe said payment will commence following the completion of verification of suppliers details and quantities supplied in the five provinces; Western, Luapula, Northern, Muchinga and Eastern.
Mr Kabwe said Government had released about K1. 3 million for Western, Luapula K369, 000, Northern K1. 5 million, Muchinga K590, 000 while Eastern Province has received K1. 5million.
Speaking to journalists in Lusaka today, Mr Kambwe said Government had released K1. 6 million to the Ministry of Youth and Sport for various activities including payment to youth groups that supplied masks and for the welfare of the street kids.
He said Government had also released K600, 000 to all the three market associations that had been engaged to supply masks.

He also said Government had further released K800, 000 to pay all women cooperatives within and outside Lusaka.
“Government has further released funds to three youth groups which had been engaged to supply masks in Lusaka and Eastern Province. Government has also released K200, 000 to the Ministry of Defense through Mulungushi Textiles to pay traders who had supplied masks and another K200, 000 to Correctional services to pay the traders.
“The payments released so far are part of phase 1 and that phase 2 will include Copperbelt, North Western, Southern, Central and Lusaka Provinces. The suppliers who will not be paid in phase 1 should exercise patience as phase 2 suppliers will receive their payments soon,” he said.