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The Independent Observer > News > Solwezi Council restricts sale of liquor on take away basis

Solwezi Council restricts sale of liquor on take away basis

Solwezi Municipal Council has directed restaurants with Liquor Licenses in Solwezi to sell liquor on take away basis and not to turn restaurants into bars.

Solwezi Council Assistant Public Relations Manager Esther Chirwa said the council had noted with concern that some restaurants with Liquor Licenses had not observed the Presidential directive on preventive measures against Covid-19 by seemingly turning their premises into bars.

Ms Chirwa said some restaurants were usually crowded with clients taking Liquor rather than meals.

She said the move to restrict the sale of Liquor in restaurants to take away only is a temporal measure, subject to review after assessment of prevailing conditions.

She said that this is in an effort to minimize over-crowding as a measure against further spread of the deadly virus in the district.

“Restaurant owners and other public places are advised to continue observing preventive measures such as social distancing, placing of hand washing facilities, and ensuring all clients are masked up.

“Council Health Inspectors and Zambia Police will continue checking for compliance in public places and take necessary action to enforce the Presidential directive and Public Health guidelines. Restaurant proprietors and employees found allowing patrons to drink Liquor within their premises risk being apprehended by the Zambia Police,” she said.

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