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The Independent Observer > News > Mopani CEO named to PolyMet board of directors

Mopani CEO named to PolyMet board of directors

By Staff Writer
Mopani Copper Mines Chief Executive Officer Nathan Bullock has been named as a board member on PolyMet board of directors.

Mr Bullock was in April blocked by the Zambian government from leaving the country on suspicion that he was fleeing the country after constrained relation with government and the mine.

And PolyMet Mining Corp-today announced the appointment of Glencore executive Nathan Bullock to the board of directors, replacing Hilmar Rode, who stepped down.

Mr Bullock leads operational strategy, technical services, asset management, capital management and technology for Glencore’s copper assets group.

He brings a broad range of operational and technical experience to the board with a background in mining and processing across Australia and Africa in a range of commodities.

His is one of three Glencore seats on the seven-member board.

“Mr Bullock has provided leadership in some of mining’s most challenging technical, geopolitical and operational environments in the world, and we are pleased to have him on our board,” said Jon Cherry, chairman, president and CEO.

Beginning his career as a geologist at Glencore’s Mount Isa Mines in Australia, Mr Bullock worked for 17 years across Glencore’s North Queensland mining, processing and smelting assets.

He joined BHP in early 2018 at its Olympic Dam operation, working on operational discipline and improvement across the uranium, gold, silver and copper assets before rejoining Glencore in late 2019 as CEO at Mopani Copper Mines in Zambia.

He holds a bachelor’s degree with honors in applied geology from Queensland University of Technology, and an MBA from Griffith University, both in Brisbane Australia, and holds a graduate certificate in Applied Finance and Investment/PolyMet.


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