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Local Government Minister not happy with Councils

Local Government Minister Charles Banda has taken a swipe at councils that have failed to deliver despite the government releasing 582 million Kwacha equalization fund.

Dr Banda notes that each of the 116 Councils in the country has been receiving a monthly allocation of K97 million equalization fund since January but that some have failed to complete infrastructural projects and deliver other services in their districts.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka, Dr Banda said the government expects councils to put the money to good use by improving service delivery and making progress on projects being undertaken.

He said that the equalization fund is not meant for salaries and urged all councils to ensure prudent utilization of the funds.

Dr Banda has announced that the government has no immediate plans to increase monthly equalization fund allocation for Chipata city council which has been upgraded from a municipality due to budgetary constraints.

He said the government is aware of the challenges local authorities are facing but that it cannot commit to increasing the fund due to budget restriction and other economic factors resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

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