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The Independent Observer > News > Don’t turn restaurants into bars-Solwezi Town Clerk

Don’t turn restaurants into bars-Solwezi Town Clerk

By Esther Chirwa
Solwezi Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga has called on proprietors of restaurants in the district to work with the Local Authority in ensuring that the Presidential directives and guidelines given by the Ministry of Health regarding operation of business premises are implemented to stem further spread of COVID-19.

Mr Luanga said it had been observed that some restaurants had been turned into bars while some patrons were using some restaurants for excessive alcohol consumption, much to the worry of the Local Authority.

He said the President in his last address to the nation on the COVID-19 held on June 25, 2020 firmly stated that Bars and Night Clubs will remain closed until the weather conditions are favourable and special.

Specific guidelines are devised and put in place for the sector. The above observation and other factors necessitated the Town Clerk to grant the Restaurant owners an audience to hear their challenges in ensuring the Presidential directives are observed, thereafter, agree on the way forward.

Mr Luanga admitted that COVID-19 has adversely affected many businesses.

However, businesses that have been opened should continue operating on condition that they observe guidelines as provided by the Ministry of Health.

He emphasized on the need for business proprietors to work hand in hand with the Local Authority in enforcing the Presidential directive by finding means and ways of controlling their patrons.

According to the Liquor Licensing Act No 20 of 2011, a licensee may expel from, the licensed premises any person who is drunken, violent, quarrelsome or disorderly, or whose presence in the licensee’s premises would subject the licensee to a penalty under this Act or any other written law.

He emphasized that the Council Public Health Inspectors will continue enforcing the law through inspections of various premises indicating that proprietors and the Council are key in protecting the interest of various businesses as both would be affected revenue wise if any business house was closed due to non-compliance.


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