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The Independent Observer > Business > You will succeed – Sinkamba tells Mwanakatwe

You will succeed – Sinkamba tells Mwanakatwe

Green Party President Peter Sinkamba says Minister of Finance Margaret Mwanakatwe is positioned to succeed in stabilizing and growing the economy.

Mr Sikamba said that this is because of the bold transformational reforms that the Government, under the guidance of President Edgar Lungu, is undertaking.

He said some of the reforms Government has undertaken under the Economic Stabilization and Growth Programme include the implementation of austerity measures.

And also the optimization of domestic revenue collection, and the economic diversification programme.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Ms Mwanakatwe at her office in Lusaka today.

Mr Sinkamba said there is need for the Government to do more by exploring all available options, including non-cash solutions in order to achieve sustained economic stabilization and growth.

“We have a collective duty to reverse the country’s debt challenges and grow the economy for us to accomplish the long-term well-being of our people,” he said.

He proposed that Government should conduct a comprehensive exercise of updating its asset register, “a tool that will guide any future efforts in assessing the value of Zambian Government assets globally.”

Mr Sinkamba emphasized that his current passion was to encourage the Government to implement measures that will ensure that the country becomes ready when Eurobond and other debt obligations fall due.

He also expressed eagerness in seeing that the Government intensifies its efforts in stimulating the commercial viability of the agriculture sector.

The Opposition Leader said that he would take a pragmatic approach in the national dialogue process “to promote the timely and collective handling of issues of critical importance.

And speaking during the meeting, Ms Mwanakatwe told the Opposition Leader that the Government was open to suggestions on how optimal performance of the public sector could be achieved.

She reiterated the Government’s readiness to work with all willing stakeholders in facilitating the growth of the private sector to ensure the growth of the economy, creation of jobs, expansion of wealth, and betterment of citizens at large.

Ms Mwanakatwe commended Mr Sinkamba for pursuing a non-confrontational approach in implementing the dialogue agenda with Government.


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