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The Independent Observer > OS > Contradictions from government uninspiring

Contradictions from government uninspiring

Dear Editor,

I write to urge President Edgar Lungu to urgently address the governance misinformation that has become a norm in the line of governance.

The apology offered by government to Japan and China over the acquisition of police bicycles means there is a serious governance crisis that has to be sorted out now than later by the President.

Why should officers connected to the procurement of the said bicycles mistake the origin of the bicycles and even the quantity?

Late last year we also witnessed contradictions in statements involving the Ministry of Agriculture Permanent Secretary and his Minister and also Education PS Kalumba and his Minister regarding the affairs of their ministries.

All these are people employed to help run this country and if they could be giving varying statements without reprimand by the appointing authority, the damage could be vast.

Does it mean those we have entrusted with leadership especially in the line of governance are so stubborn to consult each other before they issue statements to the public? Do they understand the damage that comes with these contradictions?

And in the light of all this, is the President comfortable with it or what is this silence for?

We also saw late last year the contradiction statements on the gassing master minder between Rae Hamoonga then Deputy Police Spokesperson and his boss the IG Kakoma Kanganja. All this leave citizens with nothing but suspicion.

I feel there is something serious amiss about all these contradictions in the country where we have leadership.

As government, you should aspire the people by being proactive than reactive when dealing with national matters. This is what brings speculations and people should not be blamed but yourself for always wanting to suppress dust when it has already risen.

Wisdom Muyunda


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