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The Independent Observer > kalulushi > Dejavu: 9 miners burnt at Chambishi

Dejavu: 9 miners burnt at Chambishi

Nine miners for Yellowstripe Resources Limited in Chambishi are nursing burns after the smelting furnace exploded on them.

This is not the first time Chambishi has recorded explosion of the smelting furnace.

Sources at the plant have told The Independent Observer that the miners were smelting scrap metal when the furnace burst, its contents splashing on the miners that were at the plant.

Outgoing Kalulushi District Commissioner Kenny Siachisumo has confirmed the development in an interview.

Mr Siachisumo said the company experienced an explosion around 19:00 hours yestersay which injured the workers.

He said the workers were rushed to Royal Medical Centre in Kitwe where they are currently receiving treatment.

“The accident is regrettable and we urge the company to put in place measures which will ensure the workers are protected from similar occurrences,” he said.

A check at Royal Medical Centre in Kitwe’s Parkland residential area found only two accident victims admitted to the facility.

Hospital Medical Officer Boltaboev Shovkat said the nine patients were received at the centre.

Dr Shovkat said all the nine workers that were taken to the centre had burns and were complaining of pain.

“It was around 19:20 hours when we received a few patients. All of them were in one room and they all had burns,” he said.

Dr Shovkat said all the nine were examined and had superficial burns on their bodies.

He said seven of the patients were treated and discharged because they had two or less than two per cent of burns.

The Independent Observer will keep informed on any new development on the story.

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