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The Independent Observer > Community News > Kabundi Councillor will work with women, youths clubs

Kabundi Councillor will work with women, youths clubs

Kabundi ward Councillor Brian Banda says his eager to support and form women and youths clubs in his ward because he believes with clubs he will reach and help more people in his ward.

Mr Banda said his continued work with different women groups in his ward is meant to empower a good number of people and not just an individual.

He said that empowering a group of women’s means that he has also empowered their families.

Mr Banda who spends most of his weekends with different group of women’s and youth group was visiting a newly formed club in the ward that invited him for more knowledge.

He said his mission is to see that women in the community are self-reliant and able to provide for their families.

He said women are key in homes where they manage even little resources that the can found.

Mr Banda assured them of his support where he gave them K500 for the certificate logistics.

He also assured then of the necessary training to enhance their business skills.

And Women of Virtue Chairperson Sylvia Nkonde was grateful for the gesture the councillor has shown and the support he has shown so far.

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