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The Independent Observer > Covid-19 > Chingola Head Teachers levying Covid-19 fees

Chingola Head Teachers levying Covid-19 fees

By Staff Writer
Chingola Head Teachers Support team is asking for K1, 000 from each school as money to be used to disinfect schools.

This is against the memo from Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary dated March 30, 2020.

Despite this memo above from General Education Permanent Secretary Dr Jobbicks Kalumba, the Head Teachers’ Support team went ahead to write schools on May 6 and 12, 2020 asking for money to disinfect school.

What has angered the community is that the money collected is not receipted or any official documentation to show that money was paid out and to who.

Chingola has about 58 government schools and the arithmetic arives us at K58, 000 which could have been collected.

Efforts to get Chingola District Education Board Secretary Noah Simulunga yielded no result as his phone was off.

From look of things, DEBS seems to be the one who is giving the so called Support Team greenlight to collect funds from schools on his behalf.

If he wasnt part of such a scum, he could have already stopped it.

Putting it record, the issue of money collection from schools by officers from the DEBS’ office is not knew in Chingola.

Last time The Independent Observer marketing crew went in the field to visit private schools.

At each school they went to when they were seen with quotation, invoice and receipt books, the owners of the schools could go into hiding or tell them that the Director was not around.

But when they could introduce themselves, the school staff could go and call their bosses saying the crew is not from the DEBS’ office.

When The Independent Observer crew inquired, it was discovered that the DEBS’officers visit private schools nearly now and then to collect money on flimsy execuses.

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