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Nominations for Lusaka Mayoral elections on today

Nominations for Lusaka mayoral elections will take place today at Lusaka’s Nakatindi Hall at the Civics Centre.

Elections are expected to take place on 26th July, 2018.

According to the Electoral Commission of Zambia notice, aspiring candidates for the Lusaka District Mayoral election will be required to pay K7,500 non-refundable nomination fee.

The Candidates must also present certified copies of their grade 12 certificates or equivalent or higher qualification, which must be verified by the Examinations Council of Zambia or the Zambia Qualifications Authority respectively.

The ECZ says failure to comply with these requirements shall render the nomination papers null and void.

And the country’s oldest existing political party UNIP has fielded its Secretary General Reverend Alfred Banda as its candidate for the Lusaka Mayoral election.

Reverend Banda confirmed that the party has adopted him to stand as the UNIP mayoral candidate, in the forth coming Mayoral Elections in Lusaka District.

And NAREP has settled for NAREP have selected for its Spokesman Dennis Bwalya Nondo as its candidate for the Mayoral election.

NAREP said Mr Nonde is a Member of the Central Committee, a long-standing Party member and active supporter who has been a member of the NAREP since inception in 2010.

Below is the full schedule of the nomination

09:00-09:30 Charity Chileshe (Independent)
09:30-10:00 RPP
10:00-10:30. Alexander Ng’ube (Independent)
10:30-11:00 PF
11:00-11:30 FDD
12:00-12:30 PAC
13:00-13:30 UPP
13:30-14:00 UPND
14:30-15:00 UNIP

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