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The Independent Observer > News > Covid-19 compliance in Chingola impresses Local Govt Minister

Covid-19 compliance in Chingola impresses Local Govt Minister

Local Government Minster Charles Banda says Chingola is at 98 per cent in adhering to corona (Covid-19) measures that government has put in place.

Dr Banda said that he was impressed with the adherence levels to Covid-19 measures in Chingola.

He descried Chingola as model district which has almost everyone with a mask on the faces and sanitizer and those with no masks have something to cover themselves.

He said that all the markets and bus stations are clean with hand washing dishes and hand sanitizers everywhere.

The Minister said this when he toured Chiwempala, Chilembe, Town Centre markets and Town Centre Bus station respectively on his tour of selected towns on the Copperbelt to see the compliance levels on the measure put in place to curb coronavirus.

He later gave out face masks.

Dr Banda said hygiene is key in preventing the virus from spreading and diverting from hygiene means that people are doomed.

The Minister said that the most important thing is to put into considerations the lives of the people and their safety.

He said trading places and bus stations are the places where people frequent a lot and cannot be avoided hence the need to keep these places clean.

The Minister commended the leadership of the Mayor, District Commissioner and the Town Clerk for the initiative that they have put up in sensitizing the people on the virus.

Chingola District Commissioner Agnes Tonga said that working together is key to fighting the virus and that what the district Leadership is doing.

And Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo said that the Local authority is doing everything possible to ensure that the people comply with the measures that has been put in place

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