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When standing still is the way forward

By Rev Clifford Chisha
There are times in life when the way forward is standing still and looking up to God to fight for you.

“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

(Exodus 14:14)

The Israelites were panicking, the red Sea was before them and the Egyptians were fast approaching, on the sides, impassable relief greeted them.

They saw death. The chances of dying were higher than the chances of surviving, but Moses, their spiritual leader announced to them that the LORD was going to fight for them.

All they needed to do was to be still.

In the situation the Israelites found themselves in, the way forward was to stand still.

Their spiritual leader asked them to do only one thing in that situation, to stand still.

What Moses asked the Israelites to do could not be done without Faith.

He asked them to stand still when danger was too dangerous.

To exercise what Moses asked them to, needed great faith.

Stand still.

Allow me to suggest that to stand still is to stop using your initiatives and allow God to use His means to rescue you.

When your efforts seem to be inadequate, surrendering to God is the best option.

To do that is to stand still.

To stand still is to stop panicking even when danger hasn’t been removed because your heart is assured of God’s intervention.

“The LORD will fight for you, only need to be still.”

When you do not know the way forward, the way forward is to inquire of the LORD.

Each time you come to a position where you do not know what to do next, remember that your creator knows.

You need to be very sensitive. There are times when standing still is the way forward.

Times when you don’t need to make any move or depend on your strategies are there.

Time to allow God to exhibit His mighty power, is the time of standing still.

Standing still demands great faith, patience and discipline.

Maybe the way forward for you is to stand still.

If it’s time to stand still and you don’t stand still, you will sleep still.

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