Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) east elect chairman Crispin Kamuna has advised east councillors to take abrogate the lawful instructions received from Football House to suspend the leagues, trainings and such groupings.
Kamuna said the Province has made it clear that all those who have continued with the team trainings, and, also inviting team officials to some trainings under the cover of COVID 19 are doing so against very clear instructions.
“You are putting the lives of the players/officials and others at great risk of contracting the Corona Virus . And we will, as a matter of fact, not hesitate to cite your name and actions for possible disciplinary action he said.

He said COVID 19 is a deadly disease and all should adhere to guidelines given by the Ministry of Health and Football House.
Kamuna advised people to stay Home, Observe Personal Hygiene by washing your hands frequently and observe Social Distancing.