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The Independent Observer > News > Solwezi bar owners arrested, Liquor Licences revoked  

Solwezi bar owners arrested, Liquor Licences revoked  

Solwezi Municipal Council in connection with Zambia police have arrested some bar owners that have failed to comply with presidential directive.

President Edgar Lungu had directed that bars, casinos and gyms must close completely for 14 days in order to curb the coronavirus yet some bars were opened in the district.

Solwezi Municipal Council Public Relations Manager Esther Chirwa said the joint team of Council Police Officers, Health Inspectors and State Police found some bars in compounds operational which led them to confiscating their merchandise and Liquor Licenses revoked.

Ms Chirwa appealed to all business owners and residents of Solwezi to adhere to the precautionary measures put in place and the Presidential directive as they are not meant to cripple businesses but are there to cushion the further spread of the COVID-19.

“We embarked on daily inspection and street patrols for a period of 14 days to check on compliance by business owners following the presidential directive concerning operation of bars, night clubs, gyms, cinemas, casinos and restaurants in an effort to prevent the further spread of the COVID-19.

“The local authority working in collaboration with State Police has conducted patrols and inspection of business houses in Kyawama, Muzabula, Magrade, Kazomba, Messenger, Town Centre, Zambia compound, Mitec, Mushitala Saviye and Weighbridge, among other areas,” she said.

She commended some business owners for complying with the Presidential guidelines.

“Sincere gratitude goes to Solwezi residents who have been vigilant by reporting business owners that open their premises to members of the public against the directive of the President,” she said.




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