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The Independent Observer > mulonga water > New Mulonga Water projects must be protected-Mayor

New Mulonga Water projects must be protected-Mayor

Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo says has urged the residents of Chingola to take ownership of Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation projects.

Mr Tembo said such mega projects will ease the water challenges the communities are facing.

He was speaking when he visited the sites where Mulonga Water is connecting former resettlement compounds of Kapisha, Kasompe, Chigayo and Mushishima with clean water supply.

Mr Tembo said vandalising such infrastructure will be retarding the progress of both government and the water utility and those found anting will be dealt with.

He said that clean and safe drinking water is vital to the health of the people and the project has already started which is a plus.

The Mayor expressed happiness with Mulonga water supply and sanitation Company on its peri-rural water project.

MWSC Director Infrastructure Development Ndila Hamalambo said the peri-urban project was one of the component under the Zambia Water Project (ZWAP) aiming at improving the water supply.

Mr Hamalambo said that the project include kiosk in the same areas for the people who can’t manage to be connected.

He said the project is also been done in Chililabombwe.

Mr Hamalambo has thanked the residents in the areas that the projects are been done for the support and their cooperation.

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