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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Chililabombwe Council seizes 7 decomposed Carcasses

Chililabombwe Council seizes 7 decomposed Carcasses

Chililabombwe Municipal Council has seized seven decomposed carcasses worth K12, 000 from a trader in Kasumbalesa.

CMC Assistant Public Relations Manager Chilufya Chungu said the council is concerned with the increasing levels of lawlessness being exhibited in Kasumbalesa by some traders.

Ms Chungu said traders have begun selling meat and other related products on the streets which is contrary to No. 9 & 11 of SI No.12 of 2018, as well as provisions of the Public Health Act Cap 295 and Food and Drugs Act Cap 303 of the Laws of Zambia respectively.

She said the Local Authority has sounded a stern warning to such traders that the Council will not hesitate to take action against anyone who will be found wanting.

Ms Chung has urge members of the public to desist from buying meat from these traders.

She said the meat from such traders may be cheap or affordable but poses a health hazard as most of this meat is not inspected and may not be suitable for Human consumption.

Ms Chungu said the Council will continue to conduct routine and random inspections on various business premises to monitor compliance and bring sanity to the District.

This was during a routine inspection conducted by a team of Public Health Inspectors from the Council yesterday (19th March, 2020). The seizure is in line with the Public Health Act Cap 295 section 79 and the Food and Drugs Act Cap 303 of the Laws of Zambia. The trader has since been cautioned and penalised.


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