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Solwezi begins coronavirus sensitisation

Provincial Administration in conjunction with Solwezi Municipal Council and the Ministry of Health today undertook a sensitization programme on corona virus (COVID-19) at Kyawama and Mitec markets as well as the Main Bus station.

The essence of the programme was to raise awareness among the traders and transport operators on the Corona virus and preventive measures that can be put in place.

Solwezi Council Assistant Public Relations Manager Esther Chirwa said information was shared by both experts from the Ministry of Health and the Local Authority through presentations whereas brochures printed in both the local languages and English depicting information on the Corona virus were distributed.

Ms Chirwa said the recipients of the information were encouraged to pass on the information acquired to their fellow community members.

“During the meetings, the Permanent Secretary indicated that the sensitization program held today was the beginning as further engagements with other stakeholders such as the traditional leadership will be held to ensure no one is left behind on ways of preventing the virus,”she said.

And Solwezi Municipal Council Acting Director of Public Health Wamunyima Mumbali also said that the COVID-19 virus can only be defeated if the community observes high standards of hygiene.

All business houses in the food industry such as restaurants, chain stores, bars, among others were therefore advised to place hand washing basins with soap or hand sanitizers within their premises as one of the precautionary measures against the Corona virus.

In the wake of the COVID-19, the Ministry of Health has enacted Statutory Instrument No. 22 of 2020, prohibiting trade of food products and ready to eat foods from and in any location which may pose a danger to health of the consumers and traders.

During the presentations, a demonstration was done by the Ministry of Health officials on how people could prevent cases of the Corona virus.

The entourage was led by North Western Province Permanent Secretary Willies Mangimela, Assistant Secretary Beatrice Muyambango, District Commissioner Rosemary Kamalonga.

Others are Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga, District Administrative Officer Anthony Fulwe, Provincial Medical Director representative Chipili Lengwe, Directors from the Council, Health Inspectors and the Security wing among others.

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