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I’m not bitter-Bishop Kazhila

By Staff Writer
Chingola prominent cleric Joseph Kazhila says he holds nothing against anyone that was involved in his incarceration.

Speaking during a media briefing held at Life Gospel Cathedral this morning, Bishop Kazhila said he was not bitter with his incarceration, instead the imprisonment made him realise the pain inmates go through..

He said the incarceration gave him an opportunity to see what goes on and he prayed even more inside the cells where he even made new disciples.

Bishop Kazhila clarified that he does not belong to any political party as many people align him.

He said his spiritual is what is paramount and the views he held in the previous years like 2011 and 2016, are no longer the same.

He was clear that truth will always remain true and he will remain with truth which is a virtue for children of God.

Bishop Kazhila said that he is a man of God and who belongs to God and not a member of any political Party.

He said that his church has church members who are leaders of various political parties and he does not segregate.

“What kind of leader would I be if I side with some people or a certain political party and start telling people to join this party or that one,” he said.

The Bishop made an appeal to Zambians to look at the bigger picture of promoting peace and unity rather than becoming own enemy as a nation.

Bishop Kazhila said that Zambia has been invaded by evil powers and the church needs to come together because spiritual matters need spiritual fight.

“They are wicked vices that are dividing us as a nation. It is up to us to tell the devil in the face that we are ‘One Zambia, One Nation.’ We cannot let one tribe to be more superior to the other. Let us promote love and unity among one other or the devil will take advantage,” he said.

He said that the Zambian politics are tailored on tribalism and regionalism which is drifting the country apart, the evil he said has even infiltrated the church.

“There is a solution the Bible says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and seek my face, I will hear them and heal there land and government need to support this. The sons of the devil cannot be tolerated, the church must arise and show leadership if we need to arrest them in a spirit then the situation can be normalized,” he said.

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