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One suspect gunned down

...we will spray you with police chemicals-Kapeso
Police in Chingola have gunned down one of the suspected criminals behind a spate of gassing of people’s home.

The suspect was gunned down around Mwaiseni area just after midnight last night with unknown substance suspected to be chemicals being used to spray in homes.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Bonny Kapeso said police last night during foot patrol at Mwaiseni saw a person carrying a bag and when police challenged him he threw the bag away abandoned it and started running.

Mr Kapeso said police fired some warning shoots but he kept on running away leaving police without option but to shoot him on both legs.

He said the police searched the bag of the susoect and they found a mineral water bottle with unknown substance and also another bottle labeled Agricore.

“We don’t expect anyone to be moving in the night with such substance when we are hunting for these things because people are using unknown substance and different chemicals to spray people and we suspecte that he could be one of those spraying,” he said.

Mr Kapeso has warned the criminals to stop the spraying otherwise police will spray them with police Chemicals also.

The Deputy IG said the statistics of people being sprayed has gone down.

He said the number started with 80 and the report this morning indicated only seven houses were sprayed and the people treated and discharged.

“We have a battle which we want to win and advise residents not to be moving with suspicions weapons because we may kill them. The suspect died because of loss of blood,” he said.

And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo it was impressive that the cases are reducing as the aim is to get to zero case.

Mr Kampyongo has assured the people of Chingola the police are on the ground to restore the peace.

He said the people behind the crime have their days numbered.

The minister has appealed to those who want to do political activities that for now Copperbelt is not the best place.

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