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The Independent Observer > OS > Chilubi By-election, the case of constitution not ECZ.

Chilubi By-election, the case of constitution not ECZ.

Dear Editor
The on going complaints coming from political parties  participating in Chilubi parliamentary bye election are not inspiring for the nation.
Opposition political parties have cried foul over the purported vote buying by patriotic front party through its mealie meal distribution and renting of all lodging places on this vast island.
On the other hand PF is saying the distribution has nothing to do with vote buying but distributing mealie meal to the needy people starving.
I am also alive to the fact that there is also no law forbidding anyone or party from renting any lodging premise.
This is the time we all expected electoral commission of Zambia to come out clean and give a clear guideline than them refuting the complaints, let them go on the ground to interview people than sitting in offices and issue statements that do not conform to the situation at hand.
All these complaints and defence to me are however self created by all of us by not looking at measures to strengthen the autonomous of such institutions like ECZ when time for constitution amendments are called, but deliberately looking at a few clauses that mainly has to do with power for individuals.
So whether PF are guilty to the accusations or not, any other party in power could have maybe acted in the same way to advance its winning chances because of the fate we have put ECZ in.
For me I feel this should be a lesson to everyone to look outside the box when calls for amendments are called, to avoid foul cries in future.
ECZ however has the biggest responsibility to redeem itself from the accusations that it is not acting to propel a level playing field, for reasons best known to itself.
Has ECZ got the mandate to call off an election because of electoral malpractices purportedly being committed by any political party upon receiving a complaint or not.
Wisdom Muyunda


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