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Leading without prioritising your personal gain

By Rev Clifford Chisha
The man was given an assignment to lead the tribes of Israel to war, victory was guaranteed but he was notified that it was not going to lead to his glory and honour.

Despite the fact that the war was not going to result into his honour and glory, Barak still went ahead and led the army.

There are very few people who aspire to leadership positions without the primary motive of personal gains.

Some seek fame, honour, riches and great privileges.

“She said, “I will certainly go with you; nevertheless, the journey that you are about to take will not be for your honor and glory, because the LORD will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” Then Deborah got up and went with Barak to Kedesh.” Judges 4:9

Prophetess Deborah was the lead leader (Judge) of Israel who was raised by God to deliver the Israelites from Jabin, the Canaanite king.

Since women did not usually go into battle, she called upon Barak to lead the army against Jabin.

Barak was not ready to go without Deborah and the prophetess agreed to go with him.

She however divinely revealed that the honour and glory was not going to be given to Barak.

It came to pass, the person who mattered most in the war was not killed by Barak, he was killed by a woman named Jael.

Barak who led the army to victory, killing the entire army which Sisera led, sang a song of victory together with Deborah.

Barak was a great leader.

He celebrated the victory together with Deborah despite having not killed Sisera himself.

Victory for all mattered the more than victory for the leader alone.

A great leader counts it a privilege to lead others and not an opportunity to disadvantage the people he leads.

My fellow leaders, kindly check your motive. Are you genuinely serving the people you lead?

Is their welfare your primary concern? Those aspiring to leadership positions, check your motives.

Are you genuinely interested in the welfare of the people you intend to lead?

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