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The Independent Observer > News > Solwezi Council swiftly loops in with refuse interim measures

Solwezi Council swiftly loops in with refuse interim measures

Solwezi Municipal Council has hired Majaman Limited to manage waste at dumpsite while the Council bulldozer is down.

Solwezi Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga said the local authority could not sit idle and wait for the repairing of the dozer.

Mr Luanga said Solwezi generates high volumes of waste per day due to population increase as a result of the mining activities in the district.

“In order to protect the environment and to assure continued public health and safety at the Kipemba dumpsite, Solwezi Municipal Council has engaged the services of a local contractor to push waste at the dumpsite.

“Majaman Limited will manage the waste at the dumpsite for one week at a cost of K44, 358.40 as an interim measure while the Council bulldozer is being repaired. We are optimistic that the measure put in place will also prevent the spread of communicable and water borne related diseases in the district and site nuisance,” he said.

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