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The Independent Observer > Headlines > UNZALARU in hot soup

UNZALARU in hot soup

The Ministry of Labour has requested the University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union -UNZALARU – to show cause as to why their Certificate of registration must not be cancelled for violating the Industrial and Labour Relations Act.

This follows unpalatable language by UNZALARU General Secretary, Kelvin Mambwe on Zambian citizens for voting for a named political party.

Labour Permanent Secretary Chanda Kaziya says it is disappointing that Dr Mambwe’s statement is Not in line with section 3 of the industrial and Labour relations Act Chapter 269 and was outside the objectives of the Union.

He says the statement is insulting and politically inclined, and that the comments have potential to cause anarchy in the country.

Mr Kaziya said Dr Mambwe’s sentiments are uncalled for and do Not denote the principals of industrial relations and workers representation.

He said that the Ministry of Labour will Not hesitate to Envoke the law in cancelling certificates of registration for Trade Unions that are not abiding by the labour laws.

Mr Kaziya has since warned all trade unions that are contemplating to engage in activities outside their realm of trade unionism.

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