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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Round up of Kalulushi Council project in 2019

Round up of Kalulushi Council project in 2019

The year 2019 has remained a unique year for the municipality of Kalulushi because it has scored a couple of first time events.

We are justly proud as a district to have been visited by the Head of State His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu three times in this year. Allow me therefore, to highlight the performance of 2019.

The year 2019 has been better operationally despite challenges in the number of skills to deliver most of the services to the residents.

It is worth noting that although the collection efficiency was relatively low due to the economic meltdown, we disbursed some funds to implement some of the major projects, thus presenting a positive operational outlook to leverage the coming year’s activities.

On record ever, the district embarked on several projects using the Local Government Equalization Fund (LGEF).

LGEF was established to provide a solid base for further devolution from the initial step in operationalizing the Decentralization Policy.

Among the projects undertaken are the construction of reinforced concrete boundary wall pillars at the Track Park Inn in Chambishi which is complete as well as the borehole drilling.

We are constructing an ablution block at Kalulushi Cemetery, we constructed a Fire Track Parking Bay at the Fire Station which is complete and operational.

Other projects are construction of a boundary wall at Dongwe Skills Training Centre, the renovation of parts of Chambishi Market and construction of bus stops at NAPSA housing complex, Bell junction and Chibote areas.

Using the Ward Development Fund connected Chibuluma Township to the Nkana Water & Sewerage Co. water system, we constructed Chifupa and Katuta Primary Schools in Chembe Ward which is still in progress.

We are building a market shelter in Chankalamu, we built mother’s shelter at Chambishi Government Clinic and undertook street lighting in Kalungwishi ward.

Other areas were the engagement of the community in unblocking drainages and clearing of roads in Twaiteka, Chibuluma, Luapula, Kalengwa and Kankoshi wards respectively.

Under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) built two 1 X 3 classrooms blocks at Chavuma Secondary and Mugala Primary respectively, works are still in progress.

We formed roads in Kalisha and Chifupa areas with the help of Zambia National Service (ZNS). The scope of works is complete and only requires gravelling and culvert installation.

As you may all be aware, the supply of water in the district has been a challenge. In mitigating these challenges the Council has sunk 20 boreholes in the following Wards through Ward Development Fund, Local Government Equalization Fund and some through corporate social responsibility by our cooperating partners.

Namumba in Twaiteka, Mwambashi New Market in Mwambashi, Chati Clinic in Chati, Depot-Catholic in Chati, Chambishi Police in Lulamba, Dongwe Centre in Dongwe, Luela Primary School in Lulamba and Kalusale Clinic in Mwambashi, Chifupa Primary school in Chembe, Tatawaluse in Twaiteka, Kapwena Market in Twaiteka,Chambishi Sub-centre in Lulamba, others are Magam Market and Makeni area in Kafue, Inyati in Chankalamu, London in Lukoshi, Lunshimba Primary School in Chembe, Mwendasambu Primary School in Chati and K-Section in Twaiteka.

Chambishi also has had its share of an improved water supply after the Council in partnering with Nkana Water and Sewerage Company acquired a new submersible pump which was our major problem.

We will be failing in our duties if we did not thank our partners in development for the major role they have played in supplementing government’s efforts.

NFCA donated a brand new ambulance to Chambishi Government clinic they also have helped us rehabilitate Chibote Clinic together with the Doctor’s house in Chibuluma.

Others are Chambishi Copper Smelter (CCS) who have helped with the rehabilitation of Kalulushi Government Clinic, construction of pompi station bridge in Mwambashi and traders shelter at Luato market. Sino Hydro has also constructed a 1 X 3 classroom block at Chishilano School in Mwambashi Ward.

Despite these achievements the Council still encountered some challenges with the planned development of the malls in Chambishi and Kalulushi, the investors behind the construction faced some technical challenges hence the delayed projects.

The other challenge is the perception by residents that waste management is only a responsibility of the Council when infact it’s the responsibility of all of us as well as lack of compliance by property owners to pay their obligations to the Council is another challenge.

I wish to emphasize here that the provision of services to the community will be dependent on our residents of Kalulushi settling what is due to the Council and also community participation in developing our District.

May I conclude by wishing you all a fruitful 2020.


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