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The Independent Observer > News > Chingola shocker: UPND Councillors have never received ward fund in 4yrs

Chingola shocker: UPND Councillors have never received ward fund in 4yrs

Lulamba UPND Ward Councillor Temani Banda says his ward has never ever received Ward Development Fund (WDF) for the past four years despite the money being allocated in each annual budget.

Mr Banda wondered where the money has been going because his ward has never benefited from it even when he applies.

He said that his ward has not even benefited from the so called grass cutting and drainage cleaning in his ward because of this.

Mr Banda was speaking in a special council meeting which triggered a debate from other Councillors that seemed annoyed that the allocation of the WDF has not been distributed fairly as other wards have not benefited from the fund.

Maiteneke PF Ward Charles Musonda advised that next time when the council willl be allocating the WDF it should start with the wards that have not benefited.

Meanwhile Kasope UPND Ward Councillor Johnston Kang’ombe also complained that his plea for the council to grade Kasope-Katuba road has been falling on deaf ears.

Mr Kang’ombe said the grading of peri urban roads had been an academic exercise because he started pleading for the grader four years ago until now nothing had been done.

He demanded for answers from the Town Clerk and other council management during a full council meeting.

And Bupalo PF Ward Councillor Nelius Mumba also lodged a complaint that feeder roads in his ward had not been attended to.

Chingola Town Clerk Kabombo Mutakela said the grader had been down for some time now.

Mr Mutakela said the council was working on grader, hence the delays.

He said that once the grader is repaired, the council will start working on feeder roads.

In this year’s budget, each of the 27 Wards of Chingola has been allocated K50, 000 as WDF.

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