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The Independent Observer > OS > How, you steal and ask me to defend your thuggery?-George Sichula

How, you steal and ask me to defend your thuggery?-George Sichula

I was phoned by some colleagues who came from Lusaka to be part of the radio program at one of the radio stations in Chingola.

They said that they were in Chingola to defend the party. I was very shocked because how do I defend the people we hear are stealing with impunity.

How possible is it? How can your job be stealing and our job defending your thuggery? Anyone mentioned in EIA, FIC and others please defend yourselves.When we supported you in 2016, we expected you to work and not steal.

As much as we support you, we want answers to all the reports of theft reported so far. Let everyone mentioned in the reports defend themselves.

How do I defend loadshedding upto now when we cant see anything being done apart from the usual stories? I have no power for 15hours too.

Mealie meal is at K180. Impiya ukushupa Qualifications are serving no purpose. Ka economy no bwino bwino. Corruption cases never take off! We have been waiting to see these sorted out.

Here in the Copperbelt the people are sitting on a political volcano. Soon it will elapse! And think of it, we are at war convincing people to support the party. Its unfortunate we have more political shallow minds on the market than big minds to advice correctly.

I guess big brains are in the hiding watching under telescopes. I feel pity for President Lungu who is trying to work his lungs out! Ba President all those guys calling themselves bootrickers number one for you will disappear like vapour.

Ask KK and Rupia Banda.

UNIP never saw it coming!
MMD never saw it coming!
Iam not sure if PF is seeing it coming!

Do you even know it?
King George

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